Creative Writing 

Tutorial Assignment 5 / Not Your Average Budak Subang 

Sporting a short, curly bob and wide toothy smile, Dr. Nur Haniz never fails to grace her students with her enthusiastic energy that has proven to be infectious even across the technological planes of Zoom classes. 

My life was full of hard work”, shared the budak Subang Jaya with a humble smile.  

Many times she was tested mentally and emotionally, from harsh and disheartening comments from her Masters and Ph.D. lecturers to failing her Masters in International Communications. However, not once did she expressed an ounce of regret, “Life is about challenges, people! But the experiences teaches me!”. Her ambitiousness and perseverance drove her towards victory with yet another accomplishment in her life.

As she recalled the toxic, turbulent experiences in the world of journalism, nothing seems to waver this tenacious yet easy-going spirit, “I cried all the time but I enjoyed it!”. The pursuit of knowledge and truth runs far beyond her fear of snarky, sexist remarks and day-in-day-out foul mouths. 

There were many moments where she stopped and asked herself why does she put up with the stress and rejection, but unlike most people, she used that negativity to fuel her passion further instead. “Always be true”, Dr. Haniz said. Be it writing an entertainment piece or a crime investigating piece, she stood by her values and expressed what was needed to be heard.

Her journeys in life resemble genres of various books on a shelf that you cannot get enough of - a passionate classical Indian dance choreographer to an undercover writer to unveil the secrets hiding within the walls of a religious school to a senior lecturer at Taylor’s University. As one book ends while the other book starts, she unexpectedly finds herself in the world of teaching. “I LOVE to teach, it gives me a sense of satisfaction”, gushed Dr. Haniz during the press conference.

With a cup of never-fading resilience, a tablespoon full of courage, and just a teaspoon of fiery determination, Dr. Nur Haniz became who she is today; a well-accomplished journalist, senior lecturer and a mother to her precious year old daughter. 

(356 words)


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