26.8.2021 - 25.11.2021 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Jodi Yip Mei Kei /  0340542 / BMC

Anatomy & Character Sculpture / Taylor's University 

Exercises / Project 1 / Project 2 / Final Project


Week 1: Introduction & Fundamentals of Anatomy Drawing 

Lecture: This week, we began with the usual briefing of assignments and what this class entails. Mr. Kannan, our lecturer, spoke to us about the programs we'll use: ZBrush & Photoshop. Although he uses Photoshop for his lessons, he mentioned that he doesn't mind whatever application we use to draw. However, the ZBrush application is a must-have for this class. 

Mr. Kannan has also uploaded multiple books and references to read up on Microsoft Teams. 

Tutorial/Practical: We were tasked to sketch out shapes according to reference pictures of multiple types of poses.

Week 2: Introduction to ZBrush

Lecture: In this week, we went more in-depth into ZBrush though I must say, I had to rewatch it as it was quite overwhelming to me. I took notes down as well as seen here: 

Fig 1

Tutorial/Practical: Mr. Kannan taught us the fundamentals of ZBrush such as the importance of quicksave, brushes, Dynamesh, and all. It will take some time to get accustomed to all the tools but a little practice goes a long way. He also showed us how to build a skull from scratch which was what we had to try and submit our progress next week. 

Week 3: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy 

Lecture/Tutorial/Practical: Further into the teachings of ZBrush but more into building a different kind of head model; demon head. Mr. Kannan sculpted a gargoyle head and taught us how to sculpt eyes that move. It's important to have different parts of the digital clay to be added instead of just pushing/pulling one single Dynamesh. In Mr. Kannan's words, "it's destructive" because when we make it move, it will be limiting.

During the last 20-30 minutes, Mr. Kannan went to check our works in the Teams' folder. However, time ran out when it came to mine so it will be checked next week.

Week 4: Skeletal Structure

Lecture/Tutorial/Practical: After revising our work, Mr. Kannan began teaching us the basics of skeleton structure and how muscles overlap based on our Week 1 exercise sketches. 

Firstly, the bones. While that has been set, the tendon comes next. Most would think tendons are a kind of muscle but not really. We can think of them as "rubber-bans" that bind our movements, making them able to go back and forth. Once the tendon is formed, the muscles go on top or rather, around the tendon. Depending on the type of muscle (e.g tricep, bicep, inner thigh, etc). Muscles help move our joints while giving us strength. Both muscles and fats can be built. Underneath it all, our bones remain the same. They do not distort whatsoever. 

Week 5: Skeletal Structure 2

Lecture/Tutorial/Practical: Following the previous week, we basically continued where we left off. Most of the learning came from the weekly works submitted by other students as well as myself. 

We are halfway sculpting our body by now, just the upper half. I found it very difficult to place the deltoid as they determine how and where our arms would be. Hence, Mr. Kannan said that my arms needed more work. The face as well. I wanted to leave the face until the end where I have more time to focus on the details. 

Week 6: Building Personality

Lecture/Tutorial/Practical: Similarly to last week, we continued for the lower half of the body including the feet. I changed the arms but Mr. Kannan said the positioning was wrong and dangerous when rigging later on. Hence, I needed to position it to be an A-Pose. 

Week 7: Sculpting Details

Lecture/Tutorial/Practical: Today, he went through our characters for Project 1. Initially, I thought. of doing a Valkyrie-inspired character but I was worried that my skills of ZBrush will not do it any justice (I'm still worrying!). So I ended up going easy with a character inspired by the LAIKA-produced film: Coraline. I loved how Coraline and its universe are; eerie, unsettling yet fun altogether. 

However, after looking at the students from BDCM, I told myself to challenge my skills further. Even if it may not be on par with these talented individuals, I should still try and do my best. So I revisited the Valkyrie idea and expanded on it. It wasn't the drawing part that was difficult, it's just. the ZBrush part I was worried about. 

Next, Mr. Kannan then taught us how to sculpt our hands and fingers today which I hope I'll be able to do it well. He also touched a bit on sculpting the hair. 

Week 8-10: Sculpting Details & Consultation 

Lecture/Tutorial/Practical: From here on, it was very much on individual consultations before going on with the remainder of the class. We asked specific questions about our projects which enabled other students to also learn and implement them into their sculptures. When it came to my consultation, I was having a lot of trouble creating the skirt part of my character, so Mr. Kannan actually told me to take a look at Wonder Woman. I decided to rewatch both Wonder Woman movies starring Gal Gadot to analyse her costume and figure. 

Fig 1.2 & 1.3

Mr. Kannan taught us how to add textures and paint onto our sculptures as well. Using the Alpha Brushes helped create a stronger depth and contrast in our work. 

Unfortunately, this is where my ZBrush started to crash more often. I was worried that after all my hard work, it is going down the drain and I don't have any more time to restart. Luckily, Mr. Kannan reminded me to clear my ZBrush quicksave files while I also did some long-overdue spring cleaning on my files as well. 

Week 10 Onwards: 

Lecture/Tutorial/Practical: From now until the end of our semester, it is all focused on consultations and cleaning up loose ends. 

Mr. Kannan taught me the step-by-step tutorial of how to make the Valkyrie helmet: 

Fig 1.4 - My Notes

I had to rewatch the recording to make sure I understood what was being said in order to recreate my own version of the Valkyrie helmet: 

Fig 1.5 - Valkyrie helmet progress

Now it is time to submit my final project where my character will be rigged and posed in a poster. Mr. Kannan told me to focus on my detailing, especially on the creases in the boots, and polishing/refining the existing details. 

I would also need to paint my character well using the right colours and textures. 

Fig 1.6 & 1.7 - Valkyrie Colouring Progress

Looking at it now, the purple combination is not bad but it reminds me too much of sweet potato rather than a warrior so I'll change it. 

I have changed my character's colour: 

Fig 1.8 - Valkyrie Colouring Progress

This submission is an extension of both Project 1 & 2 where my character will now be rigged to be posed and placed in a poster. However, I was not able to due to the software being laggy and has crashed more than usual. The ZSpheres could not do what it was supposed to do while I was trying to create more joints. 

Fig 1.9 - Valkyrie Rigging

I was still able to try it a little but this was the furthest I could go without it being laggy for some reason. I tried restarting my computer, clear QuickSave & other files on my laptop, gave it a day for my laptop to rest as well but it won't seem to go past this part. I had to settle for my character being standstill. 

Fig 1.10 - Final Project Submission




Research 10 positions for both males and females to understand how body figures work by using shape block outs. 

Fig 2 - PDF Compilation with references

Fig 3 - PDF Compilation without references


Fig 4 - PDF Compilation of Skull


Fig 5 - Demon Sculpting screenshot


Fig 6 -  PDF Compilation of Muscle Studies


Fig 7 -  PDF Compilation of Project 1

(Notes are all written inside) 


Fig 8 -  PDF Compilation of Project 2

(Notes are all written inside) 


Fig 9 -  PDF Compilation of Final Project

Fig 10 -  Character Poster in PDF


Experience:  This was by far the most difficult design module I've ever taken. I have no experience in 3D sculpting whatsoever. It took me a long time to accustom myself to view my projects in a 3D manner. Fortunately, I had a patient and kind lecturer who was willing to answer my questions despite having explained them earlier to the class. 

I would classify myself as one of the weaker ones in class compared to my peers. They did extremely well and I have so much to learn and admire from them. I wish I could at least have half of their talent but I very much prefer illustrating to sculpting. Nonetheless, it was an eye-opening and fulfilling module as I got to venture out of my comfort zone, learn a whole new skill and I must say, not bad for a beginner in 14-weeks. But I still have a long way to go. Hopefully, I get the chance to further enhance my newfound skill in the communications industry. 

Observation: It takes a lot of practice. As a final-year student, I found myself tripping over academically over time as assignments started to build momentum. After a few days of not touching ZBrush, I depend very much on my muscle memory to get myself back in. Due to that, I started writing down notes during class and while rewatching lecture videos. I often watch tutorials as well to help better guild my sculpting. 

Findings: Sculpting, using digital software, is so similar yet so different than traditional sculpting. I'm just glad my laptop didn't crash as much as I thought it would, though just once or twice. I've learned many lessons while using ZBrush and one of them is patience. It took me a while to "perfect" the face before moving on to the body. Even though it wasn't perfect, I was happy with it. I spend hours fixing the face and as for a beginner, I would have to pat myself on the back for it. It's not easy and it comes with practice. Hence, I really have a newfound respect for all digital 3D sculptures out there.


These are just some of the many few books Mr. Kannan generously shared with us. I only downloaded these few as they interest me the most and has helped me throughout my module journey. I thoroughly enjoyed studying how muscles work and watching how artists build their own worlds and characters. 


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