Project 2A

- Cyborg Manipulation -

Figure 1 - Mr Martin's slides from Week 1

Week 5 (21/9/2020)

Mr Martin introduced to us our first project of the semester: Cyborg Manipulation. We began by brainstorming our ideas to be submitted on Thursday (24/9/2020) via either Google Docs or Google Slides. I chose to slides as I felt there would be more space to freely express my ideas: 

Week 6 (28/9/2020)

We were tasked with taking our own photography according to our sketches from the Cyborg ideation phase. It was fairly easy as I had a clear vision on how I want it to look like. Hence, the pictures came out nicely. 

Figure 1.2 - Figure 1.3 - Self-Photography

Week 7 (5/10/2020)

We were more focused on our other project, Self-Titled Project 2B, but Mr Martin still reviewed some of our pictures to see if they are right for our cyborg concept. Time ran out before it reached mine but I feel like mine was alright. 

Week 8 (12/10/2020)

Independent learning week - no class. 

Week 9 (19/10/2020)

This week's lecture consist of the necessary skills needed for us to begin Project 2A - Humanoid/Cyborg. It does seem intimidating when looking at the slides, complicated even, but with Mr Martin's guidance we managed to complete the first step. 

Figure 1 & 1.1 - Lecture slides for Humanoid/Cyborg Project 2A

Mr Martin walked us through a short photoshop session of adding a cyborg limb onto a model. He also taught us how to emboss, shadowing and stamping. Shadowing interact a lot with lighting and where the light source is coming from. If that is not identified, the shadow will look awkward and obvious. The touch of shadowing and highlighting helps with realism. 

Figure 1 to 1.1 - Bora Humanoid by me

Even though this was a in-class exercise, I prefer to do it after Mr Martin's class. Reason being, I focus better and I can control the rewind video. While he does the demo, I would listen and observe the way he completes the demo. Also, swiping my screen constantly hurts my eyes. If I use my phone for the Zoom call, it is too small to notice details. 

Week 10 (26/10/2020)

For this week's lecture, we continued with another in-class humanoid demo of a Geisha. Mr Martin walked us through the new steps to get us accustomed. As usual, he provided slides with the steps so we can refer, as well, as a recorded video. 

Figure 1 - Slides from Mr Martin

After the demo, Mr Martin went over more of our exercises like last week. 

This is my version of the geisha humanoid: 

Figure 1.2 - Geisha Cyborg

This exercise gave me an idea on how to attempt my own Project 2B. I was really excited to get started ever since I completed the geisha cyborg. Mr Martin tasked us to submit at least 70% of our own humanoid done, so I immediately got started. 

Week 11 (2/11/2020)

Figure 1 - Humanoid 

Once I did all I could within Week 10, I presented my work to Mr Martin on Week 11 along with my other course mates. I was one of the first few so the comments came pretty fast. Mr Martin really liked my overall look and concept. His only suggestion was to further blur the background and desaturate it to make my humanoid stand out, as well as, making my skin more synthetic like. I agreed and explained that I was more focused to creating the details on my humanoid first. 

After heeding his comments and his comments for my course mates, I went to revamp mine to (hopefully) be better. Submission is next week on Week 12 (9/11/2020) so I had to get to work. 

Week 12 (9/11/2020)

Figure 1 - Humanoid Official 

I had a really hard time masking the hair because my Photoshop kept lagging when I went into 'Select and Mask' mode. Hence, I had to use my friend's laptop, and a bit of his help to teach me the best way to mask my hair properly. It took quite some time but I managed to complete it - masking my hair properly, blur and change my background, and desaturated my skin. 

Figure 1.1 - Humanoid masking process 

Overall, I really like the turnout of this project and I have learned so much from just a few lessons. Mr Martin even gave a list of Youtube tutorials for us to get inspired from on Google Classroom: 


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