Creative Writing 

Tutorial Assignment 4 / Ms Rona Said Hi & Never Left

March - Aug in summary (Assignments, group meetings, mental breakdowns & food)

What the actual hell was going on? 

As I watched netizens whizz back and forth in a frantic fright carrying mountains of rice, noodles and surprisingly toilet paper, I could not help but admire the sight. Thinking to myself, is this what the start to an apocalyptic world would be like? Seemingly endless trips to the toilet and bland food for God knows how long? 

For months, the droning voices of news announcers polluted my home. Overtime, the media became repetitive, constantly playing Ms Rona’s number one track: Corona This Corona That; a deadly beat that many have fallen victim into. Yet, whenever the clock struck midnight, Malaysians held their breaths together as the TV3 news aired. Hoping, just hoping that there was a spark of good news somewhere. 

Then, there was us students holding our yawns in as we attended our online lectures and tutorials. Aside from our opposite sleep cycles, Instagram-famous banana bread diet, and blue-light damaged eyesight, we were doing alright. Open book exams and extended deadlines? Yes please! However, it felt (and still do!) like we were immobile passengers of a driver who was driving us off a cliff. Nothing we could do but watch the scene unfold. Could there be grass at the bottom to cushion our fall? Could we suddenly fly and all is saved? Or could it just be a deep fall? We will never know. 

What we did know was the fact that our fees were ridiculously expensive despite attending classes from the comfort of our beds. Last we checked, our university library was not our wardrobe nor were our classrooms in the fridge downstairs. Frustrated yet desperate for an education, we all did the best we could to adapt and comply. Although, never did we expect this to drag on until now yet here we are.

(307 words)


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