2.4.2021 - 2.7.2021 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Jodi Yip Mei Kei /  0340542 / BMC

Typography / Taylor's University 

Final Compilation & Reflection


Task 1A & B // Exercises: Type Expression & Text Formatting (Gif)

Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication (Layout)

Task 3A: Type Design & Communication (Generating a Typeface)

Task 3BType Design & Communication (Telegram Sticker)

Task 1A Exercise 1: Exercises: Type Expression & Text Formatting (Gif)

Fig. 1 
Final Digitisation of type expression JPEG // Week 3

Fig. 2
Final 'Scream' gif // Week 3

Fig. 3
 Final  Submission of Task 1A PDF // Week 3

Task 1B Exercise 2: 
Typographic Exploration & Communication (Layout)

Fig. 4
Final Kerning & Tracking of my name JPEG // Week 5

Fig. 5
Final Text Formatting Submission JPEG // Week 5

Fig. 6
Final Text Formatting Submission PDF // Week 5

Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication (Layout)

Fig. 7
Final text formatted layout JPEG // Week 7

Fig. 8
Final text formatted layout PDF // Week 7

Task 3A: Type Design & Communication


Fig. 9
Final Sketches in PDF // Week 8

Fig. 10
Final 'Butterfly' typeface // Week 8

Fig. 11
Final 'I am a Type God, obey me!' poster using 'Butterfly' // Week 10

Fig. 12
Final Compilation of submissions PDF // Week 10

Task 3B // Typographic Sticker Design

quickly sketch out another but clearer sketch for this concept. 

Fig. 12
Final Sketch for sticker // Week 12

Fig. 13
Final Black & White Telegram sticker PNG // Week 12

Fig. 14
Final Coloured PNG of Telegram sticker PNG // Week 13

Fig. 15
Final Sticker on Telegram // Week 13

Fig. 16
Final Compilation of sticker submissions on PDF // Weel 13

Final Reflection: 

When I started this module, I immediately realised that this module was more structures compared to my other design modules. There were more things to read in order to understand how typography works which made sense. Typography is a subject where it is literally about the structure of letterforms and how they came about. 

In terms of using Illustrator, I would definitely say my patience has improved over time as typography forces me to nitpick and patiently run through each stroke/shape over and over again. Even though this module was more structured, there was much to learn from it as no matter how fluid art can be, we need to build our foundations right before embarking on more complicated graphics. 

A huge thank you to my lecturers and coursemates! Mr. Vinod & Mr. Shamsul really helped in shaping us for this module. They introduced the idea of peer feedback which was really helpful while also providing their expertise. With this module, I was able to meet many creatives and friends, making this semester a whole less lonely. 


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