Creative Writing 

Tutorial Assignment 1 / Who Am I ? 

“To die would be an awfully big adventure”, - Peter Pan by J.M Barie

Born and raised in the metropolitan jungle of Kuala Lumpur lies Jodi, a passionate 22-year-old creative who strives to inspire the world with her art and writing. Despite genuinely hating art when she was younger due to the unhealthy stigma of art not being able to generate a stable lifestyle, she has come to find her passion within the same field. 

Her passion for writing sparked when she fell in love with reading her favourite novels, Percy Jackson, 39 Clues, and so forth. These novels painted movies in her head. Each scene with details enough to recreate an entire Renaissance painting. It was like Netflix, just without the monthly subscription fees and damaging blue light. Throughout her younger years, she never had the opportunity to travel unlike her peers, but her novels brought her to places no-one in the world had the passport for.  

In nature, she dives into unknown waters, often ending up bruised and lost but together with the spirit of adventure she charges on. When the roars and snarls of the jungle gets too loud, she enjoys winding down surrounded by the laughter of her family and close friends. Well, throw in an episode or two of Friends too.

Occasionally, she is a professional singer in her bathroom with her loyal assemble audience of shampoo bottles. A variety of songs would be sung ranging from Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me To The Moon to BTS’s Best Of Me, depending on the shower mood. She too enjoys watching various Korean variety shows alongside painting whatever comes to mind where her mom would often barge in to tell her not to cackle like a hyena. 

It cannot be helped. Korean variety shows are made to laugh.


Before embarking on her three-year-long committed relationship with her bachelor's degree, she took an eight-month-long break working as a barista as well as an intern of an entrepreneur company. Working had its perks - free meals, flexible hours, rude customers. A combination many will come to be familiar with and grow from. 

Finally, an opportunity to travel overseas to Hong Kong fell onto her lap during her time working as an intern alongside her team. It was either her prayers were answered or the universe could no longer take her inaccessible whining. Not only was this her first trip, but it was also her first work trip. The pressure she felt was immense but managed to pull through in the end, ending up with the best memories.

With just that single taste of travelling, she is hooked! Thus, when given the opportunity, she would do her best to preserve the indigenous cultures and languages in our society while travelling to uncover hidden gems of the world. No matter how big or how small. 

As new experiences started to pour in, the need to explore, and the courage to knock on doors of opportunities instead of her usual waiting grew. Sitting and constantly evaluating is no longer an option. She will no longer wait and whine, instead, she will chase and cheer. For herself and for anyone who dares to join. 

The most prominent lesson that all her novels have taught her was to be bold, be brave, and be yourself. Just like Neverland, the adventures never end nor will the hurdles. If Peter believed that dying would be an awfully big adventure, would that not make life a once in a lifetime thrill to make the most out of? There is still a massive chunk of the journey left to be discovered and that is what keeps life interesting.  

With this my friends, is who Jodi is. 

(624 words)


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