Creative Writing 

Tutorial Assignment 7 / Cry Baby: A Movie Review

Source: Wikipedia

My oh my the era of drive-in movies, rock 'n' roll, drag races, James Dean and oh so short skirts and hot hot leather jackets. To be free and rebellious is what John Waters’ iconic Tony nominated Cry Baby was all about!

Source: Rotten Tomatoes

“I may be a drape, but I love your granddaughter. And if that’s a crime, I’ll stand convicted, ma’m”.

Set in the 1950s, this cliche yet absolutely iconic plot of a bad boy meets good girl of none other than the drape, juvenile heartthrob Wade ‘Cry Baby’ Walker (Johnny Depp) and  square, sundress sweetheart Allison Vernon-Williams (Amy Locane) leaves viewers pining for more. With his devilishly sultry gaze and her angelic, wide-eyed stares paired with their astounding vocals, their star-crossed romance sizzled all the way through the movie. Although some scenes leave most toes curling and bodies twisting, this comedic musical is still deemed a Hollywood classic! 

There are three distinct groups: the Drapes or better known as the juvenile delinquents sporting slinky black leather jackets and roaring bikes, the Squares whose college applications were sent since birth, and the Nerds who are pretty much self-explanatory. The highly contrasted groups stood out with their outfits and personalities all the way down to their admired performances. With the electrifying jives and passionate facial expressions harmonised with each hoot and croon, Cry Baby desperately beckons you to join in on the fun on the other side of the screen! 

Amongst the other Waters’ films, this is the best one yet. His magic filmmaking managed to transport audiences back in time in the comfort of our homes as we dream of what it is like if we were high schoolers in Baltimore during the 1950s. You cannot help but thrill along to the wind in Allison’s hair as she rode off on Cry Baby’s bike nor contain the mischievous grin whenever the Drapes caused havoc. 

The rock ’n’ roll music, the flirtatious humour and the sweet visuals - Cry Baby has got it all! Filled with a truly unique twist on your mundane love story, this movie is the perfect choice for anyone who wishes to have a rockin’ time. 

 (363 wordws)


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