14 FEB 2021

Long before Ms. Rona’s on-going debut in Malaysia, our streets were filled with local artistic wonders and gems of all varieties. Our creatives were constantly creating, constantly evolving and most importantly, constantly connecting us with one another. 

A number of events by RIUH and KEDAI have brought about the attention and encouraged the support of our local abundances brought about by our local talents. From handmade trinkets to homemade goodness, there was always an everlasting warmth within those streets. A magnificent galaxy of beauties decorating what was once forgotten and barren; breathing life into our identity and history as Malaysians. Unfortunately, with the pandemic, many creatives struggled to stay afloat yet many others started to emerge as well, birthing a new generation of artists alike. 

Source: The Sisterhood Studios Facebook
(From left: Sandra Gomes, Samantha Gomes, Sarah Gomes)

The Sisterhood Studios (TSS) is just one of the many phenomenal local brands birthed from the catalogue of online businesses with products ranging from reusable face masks to their latest edition, tote bags. Stemmed from the intention of artistic creation and never-ending fun, never did the Gomes sisters foreseen their once small reusable fabric mask business blossomed into a full-fledged clothing and accessory brand of all individuals. All thoughtfully planned, designed and sewn by three beautiful talents themselves - Sarah, Sandra and Samantha. 

Born into a culturally artistic family, they have been surrounded by all forms of art which have led to their inspiration and fascination within the industry, “We like to think that we got our ‘artsy’ genes from both of our parents. Our dad loves DIYs and most of the time, he has other home projects such as fixing things and woodworks going on apart from being a full-time engineer. As for our mom, she was a primary school teacher and has always been into crafts like knitting, crocheting, origami, embroidery, and baking. Our brother is currently a sculptor and artist who graduated in Fine Arts. Sandra and Sammi are also both into crafts, but are currently still full-time students, so their priority is still towards studying. They both do their part as much as they can, especially during their semester breaks”, shared Sarah Gomes, Founder and Creative Director of TSS. 

Source: The Sisterhood Studios Facebook
(Sarah Gomes posing for the exclusive upcoming Chinese New Year collection)

Fun-sized, batik enthusiast who is often seen with her goodie bag of yarns, ready to design wherever and whenever, Sarah is a 22-year old graduate of Fashion Design at Saito University College. Her ever-growing thirst for knowledge in sustainable fashion and textile has led her to be the backbone of their brand while her younger sisters focused on marketing and finance aspects of it all. Apart from her unmistakable expertise in the field, her passion has driven her to experience opportunities from various brands and events in the fashion world - KL Fashion Week, Koleksi Raya, Melinda Looi, and XIXILI. 

With society evolving into an increasingly eco-friendly environment, sustainable fashion has become a priority. Cumulus hours are dedicated to bringing nothing but the best on their products. From late-night brainstorming sessions, while working round the clock to crafting the products to taking striking photographs to their newly launched web store, their hard work and devotion are evidently reflected on every detail of their products. These unique pieces all hold their own stories and impressions, making these wearable gems a touch more precious. 

The Tea Garden and Reloved collection that was recently launched involved many sleepless nights. Despite the hard work, we enjoyed the process. It was definitely an occasion to be celebrated as our first few launches have been a humble success thus far, and it’s also important to celebrate small victories”. 

Source: The Sisterhood Studios Facebook
(From left: Reloved Collection, Tea Garden Collection, Reversible Wrap Skirts)

Similar to other creatives, Gomes faces a fair share of difficulties and hardship but nothing she and her sisters cannot face together! Undeniably, these are situations that will appear whether we want to or not. Fortunately, with the right mindset and attitude and let us not forget about surrounding ourselves with positive energies, there is nothing a person cannot get through. “It’s natural to have issues along the journey, but we always remind ourselves to respond and not react to the problems. Rest is also necessary, so sometimes when we feel physically or mentally drained, we will stop to take a break and do other activities, then come back to the situation with a refreshed mind and clearer perspective”, emphasised Gomes as she recalled her remedies to overcome tough situations. As posted multiple times on her Instagram, she loves surrounding herself with her family of pets to recharge. Yes, family! From baby chicks, fluffy rabbits which can be seen modelling for their scrunchies, and sweetheart golden retriever, Pepper!

Being the optimistic bean that she is, no amount of criticism seemed to faze her nor her sisters as it all boil down to perspective, “It helps us understand their needs, as well as bring to our attention what are the areas that we need to improve on. What works and what doesn’t. We still learn every day and we are thankful we can even learn from our customers as well”. Her strong sense of character and willingness to go beyond has transformed her from a mere fashion student to a passionate entrepreneur advocating for a sustainable lifestyle, inspiring others to follow suit! 

To say the on-going pandemic is the worst occurrence would be a complete lie! There will always good coming out of nearly anything. We have been so caught up with the blanket of distress and pain, we are blinded to what is it like to appreciate and celebrate the good that is right beneath the surface. The Sisterhood Studios is one of the few brands that stemmed from the excitement and brightness of wanting to shine through these trying times while helping others along the way. “Just be you! Originality is key. It is important to love what you do, not just do what you love. Yes, it is not easy to start a small business or brand, but if you love what you do, you will always find ways to overcome adversities and obstacles that may come your way”, ended Sarah Gomes. 

Facebook: The Sisterhood Studios


Sarah Gomes from The Sisterhood Studios. 



Overall, I really enjoyed writing this article. It was a topic I found fascinating and somewhat proud as our local talents are finding new ways to innovate and strive under the pressures of the pandemic. Although we could not conduct a face to face interview via zoom, we were both flexible with whatever medium and got the interview done within a few days. TSS was super cooperative and Sarah was a gem to interview, a beautiful person inside out!

Initially, I was very worried about my profile feature because I found myself focusing more on the company rather than the person itself. There was so much information to write that I wish to include and it did not help that my draft was all over the place. So it did took quite some time for me to complete this article. On the positive note, this article taught me to prioritise which comes first - what are the most important points to include. In the end, I just wrote what I felt was right hoping that it will be a fun read for my readers. 




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