23.4.2021 - 30.4.2021 (Week 5 - Week 6)

Jodi Yip Mei Kei /  0340542 / BMC

Typography / Taylor's University 

Task 2 / Typographic Exploration & Communication (Text Formatting & Expression)



<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/12K2FIHvpAIxRyMtspTe93F_23qj2tcju/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

Task 2 //  Typographic Exploration & Communication (Text Formatting & Expression)

Week 5:

Fig. 5 to Fig. 5.2
Briefing on Task 2 during class / 30th April 2021

We were asked for watch the process demo:
1. Lay the text in InDesign first to see & understand how much text is there
2. Create thumbnail sketches - exploring ideas for headline expressing
3. The document must be 200mm x 200mm 
4. Once the layout is done, cover them with grey patches to see between the white & grey areas - are they balanced? 

Fig. 5.3
Sketches on Headline / 30th April 2021

For sketch number 2, I wanted the word 'Good' that resembled a thumb that says good job and the code to follow the instruction. 

Fig. 5.4
First attempt on Task 2 / 30th April 2021

Week 6:

Comments can be found in the Feedback section
I took a picture of my thumb for better and a more realistic reference for 'good' then traced it's outline and fill it in with white. For screenshot purposes, I changed the fill to pink. 

Fig. 6
Thumb tracing / 10th May 2021

Fig. 6.2
Attempting layout styles before making the changes / 10th May 2021

First, I made the necessary improvements according to the comments provided and played around with the layout once again until I am satisfied. I felt like adding some grey tones somewhere but I am not too sure. 
I sketched out more ideas as well: 

Fig. 6.3 to Fig. 6.4
More digital sketches / 10th May 2021

I played around with Illustrator and InDesign as I felt some had easier controls in terms of distorting the expression to my liking. 

Fig. 6.5 to Fig. 6.8
Illustrator work on the thumb / 10th May 2021

I did this until I was satisfied with the outcome of how the thumb would look like. Here is how it will look like: 

Fig. 6.9
Outcome of the thumb / 10th May 2021

I then shared it with my friends to see if they understood my expression. Honestly, the only problem I have with this is the 'Do' and 'Be'. It was difficult to find its placements. Everywhere I place them, it just looked awkward. As for the second page, I added a light grey background for a subtle contrast so it will be easier on the eyes when reading. 

My friend suggested to keep the thumb upright and place 'Do' and 'Be' vertically on the left side of the thumb. I heeded her comments and set about to improving it. 

Fig. 6.10
New layout / 10th May 2021

I completely scratched the 3D cube idea despite it being quite cool as I felt that it went nowhere. I followed my new sketch instead and created a simpler but effective expression for the second layout. Here are the final outcomes: 

Fig. 6.11
Outcome of Design 1 / 10th May 2021

I decided to remove the grey background as I quite like the white and clean look of this now. The thumb is really unique in my opinion but where 'Be' and 'Do' is placed may be misleading in terms of readability. 

Fig. 6.12
Outcome of Design 2 / 10th May 2021

My friend liked the balance of white and black spaces. I personally felt that this one conveyed the expression of the title more. 

Week 7: 

Comments can be found in the Feedback section. 
As this week is a public holiday, we only had 30 minutes of class for feedback. Mr Vinod told us to rewatch Tuesday's class lecture that was recorded and uploaded on the Facebook group as it covers our next task: Task 3A. 
I tried creating a new design according to the comments by Mr Vinod:

Fig. 7
Attempt one on new design / 14th May 2021

Fig. 7.2
Attempt two on new design / 14th May 2021

I personally think something is missing from these layouts, not sure what. Should the word 'Follow' be even bigger? I took a break and came back the next day to work on what I have:


Fig. 7.3
Final Submission / 14th May 2021

Fig. 7.3
Final Submission PDF / 14th May 2021


Week 6: 

This week's feedback group was bigger. I was grouped with Lavender, Wen Xuan, Raju, Sachin, Hoda, Sea, Desiree & Lian Chern. Our questions were a combination of the previous weeks: 

1. Do the expressions match the meaning of the words?

2. Are the expression well-crafted (crafting/lines/shapes)?

1. Is kerning and tracking appropriately done?

2. Does the font size correspond to the line-length, leading & paragraph spacing

3. Is the alignment choice conducive to reading?

4. Has the ragging been controlled well?

5. Has cross-alignment been established using base-line grids?

6. Are widows and orphans present?

Overall, my group thinks my designs are interesting. Just worried about distortion so it was best to seek opinions from Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul directly. Sea suggested I should just have one 'Good' in the thumb design, as it is redundant to repeat it again. 

I showed my designs to the lecturers and received several comments:

1. Mr Vinod said not to have any body text or graphics in the middle where the two pages meet as if this were to be printed out, it does not make sense. 

2. Really liked the vertical lead-in text. 

3. After explaining the idea to him about 'good' resembling a thumb, he gave several comments:

    Sketch 1: Use a weighted type face not Serifa for a lesser counter face. Then, suggested to create a 

    graphic of a thumb > clip mask. Position 'good' to clip mask as a thumb.

    Sketch 2: Very interesting concept. The same comments; weighted text. 

Ultimately, distortion is inevitable in my case but it is to what degree am I going to distort it to. I heeded his comments and immediately went to work on my task 2. 

Week 7: 

This week was Raya holidays so we were not supposed to have any classes but Mr Vinod came online for 30 minutes for anyone who needs additional feedback. 

After looking at what I have done, he agreed that the thumb somehow does not work and asked me to go ahead with the second design with some comments. 

1. Just expressed one word: Follow 

2. Make 'Follow' the biggest word there

3. The two 'LL's can resemble a road? 


Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication (Text Formatting & Expression)

Experience:  It was a fun but challenging task. I feel like I had creative ideas but it was really difficult for me to bring it to life via InDesign. It was much easier sketching it out as I had the freedom of expression there. InDesign and Illustrator made it seem rigid.

Observation: I notice that with my sketches, I did not take into account of how it would look like using the typefaces provided. I admired my course mates' feedback and opinions on improving my work better. 

Findings: There are many ways to express this editorial text and it is better to not work under pressure. Just let the creativity flow and lead you to where it wants you to go. 


Week 4:

Fig. 4

Extra Reading / 22nd April 2021

The Vignelli Canon is a very aesthetically pleasing yet interesting book. It taught me on the aspect of Grid, Margins, Paper size, Basic Type Faces, Layouts and much more. 

Week 5:

Fig. 5

Extra Reading / 27th April 2021


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