11.6.2021 - 25.6.2021 (Week 11 - Week 13)

Jodi Yip Mei Kei /  0340542 / BMC

Typography / Taylor's University 

Task 3B / Type Design & Communication


Week 11: 
I was feeling unwell. Hence, I could not attend class this week, but I watched snippets of the recording as Mr. Vinod actually briefed us the previous week. I knew I had to prepare my sketches and the first few stages of illustrating the sticker. 

Week 12:
We were more or less done with the semester so this week was mainly consultation. I heeded Mr. Vinod's comments: 
- White Outline of 7px
- Keep Taylor's Logo in B&W
- Submissions: B&W ver., Coloured ver. (both in PNG & PDF), & Screenshot of our stickers used in Telegram


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/12K2FIHvpAIxRyMtspTe93F_23qj2tcju/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

Revised Instruction of Task 3B

Task 3B //  Type Design & Communication

Week 11:

Fig. 11
Initial Sketches // 11th June 2021

This is the first sketch I did & I tried to digitalise them: 

Fig. 11.2
Digitalisation of sketches // 11th June 2021

In-depth feedback can be found in the feedback section, but overall, Mr. Vinod said there was too much imagery used rather than typography. The the main idea for the first digitisation was recreating Tamil letters using the Futura Typeface

Mr. Vinod suggested that I should compare the existing Tamil letters to the typeface I already have. So I quickly sketch out another but  clearer sketch for this concept. 

Fig. 11.2
Second and somewhat sketch // 11th June 2021

I then began studying the Tamil letterforms to get a better idea of where and how they curve while also trying to incorporate my own style into the sticker: 

Fig. 11.3
First Attempt // 11th June 2021

I found the strokes too thin and the whole background gradient situation was not working out. Same with the fireworks, but I had a better idea of how I want it to look like now. 

Week 12:

Fig. 12
Black & White PNG of official Task 3B Design (Submission #1) // 18th June 2021

I like the black & white version of this design a lot. Especially with the pairing of the dots here and there. I know Mr. Vinod said not to include imagery, but for Diwali, you do need some sort of visual for vibrancy and engagement. 

I focused on generating the typeface rather than the visuals accompanying it. Even though Mr. Vinod said to not include too many visuals, I feel that for Diwali, we should. The visuals help enhance the essence of the festival and its celebration. However, I did not focus on enhancing the flowers and left them flatter than the typeface. 

Wire Frame: 

Fig. 12.2
Wireframe // 18th June 2021

I tried to colour the sticker with a black background for a trial run purposes: 

Fig. 12.3
First attempt at the coloured version // 18th June 2021

I followed the colour scheme of the Happy Diwali poster I found online and tweaking some. Added some highlights as well through the leveling from a lighter colour of the same gold shade. The more I looked at it, the more. I feel it is missing some POP. So I sent this to my classmates in Typography for some peer feedback can be found in the feedback section. 

Fig. 12.3
Final Version of the sticker before importing in PNG (Submission #2) // 18th June 2021

Once I am satisfied with the outcome, I started to import it on Telegram following the steps of my coursemates: 

1. Find the @stickerator_bot & follow their instructions
2. Download the generated png from that bot 
3. Find the @Stickers bot & follow their steps
4. Done!

Here is the outcome on Telegram: 

Fig. 12.3
Sticker on Telegram (Submission #3) // 18th June 2021

Initially, it was smaller, so I enlarged it on Illustrator and followed back the steps to import a new version onto the sticker pack. 

Fig. 12.3
Compilation of submissions on PDF // 18th June 2021


Week 11: 


Week 12: 

General Feedback: Mr. Vinod said too much imagery used in my first drafts but he seems to like the idea of using inspired Tamil letters to create the typography for the sticker. It was difficult, no doubt, but can still try. 

Peer Feedback: 

I heeded their comments and made improvements to the previous flatter version of the sticker. 


Task 3B

Experience: So fun! Mainly because it was similar to the previous task where we had more freedom for creativity. Furthermore, the purpose of this assignment was very purposeful; to represent Taylor's Design School and it has never been done before. It was slightly challenging as we could not include too much imagery. Especially for mine (Happy Diwali) where. it needs to be colourful and some strong visuals to help create the mood, but I am glad the way it turned out. 

Observation: The challenging part of this assignment was recreating Tamil letterforms using the Futura fonts. I found that I needed to really look at the Tamil letters properly to incorporate them into the existing letters. It needed to have the elegance of the Tamil letterforms while being balanced with the rigidness of Futura.

Findings: With this specific festival, I found that looking at letterforms beyond the English letters and how they actually helped create the mood. Just because the letters are different or somewhat unrelated, does not mean that they cannot be combined or revamped. 


Frankly, there was not much further reading done this week as this the assignment was based on our knowledge from the previous typography assignments. 


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